WEBINAIRE Mobsya vous invite à fêter la fin de l'année et Noël avec Thymio et Lego! Événement gratuit, le 7 décembre 2022, 16:00 - 17:00 PM
WETTBEWERB Am Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 von 9 bis 13 Uhr findet der Robotik-Wettbewerb «MakeX Schweiz 2022» im ELYS in Basel statt. Der Wettbewerb wird mit Robotern von Makeblock bestritten und von TechLabs in Basel organisiert. Besucher:innen sind herzlich willkommen.
TALK Prof. Dimitri Alimisis will give a talk next Friday at the CHILI lab, as part of his visit to EPFL. It can be interesting for people working in robotics, computer science teaching, educational robotics, human-computer interaction, learning analytics, technology-enhanced learning and all...
NEWS Endowed with 77’000 euros, this is the most important prize for research in subject didactics and honors outstanding scientists from the regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Professor Mondada distinguished himself with the educational robot Thymio II and its application to the...