Air Quallity Kit for Raspberrry PI

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  • SKU00091
  • Monk Makes Ltd.
  • SKU00091
  • 2
The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for Raspberry Pi is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality
Informations sur le produit "Air Quallity Kit for Raspberrry PI"

The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for Raspberry Pi is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor board. This add-on for the Raspberry Pi measures the quality of the air in a room (how stale the air is) as well as the temperature. The board has a display of six LEDs that display the air quality and a buzzer. Temperature and air quality readings can be read by your Raspberry Pi, and the buzzer and LED display can also be controlled from it.

The Air Quality Sensor board, plugs directly into the back of a Raspberry Pi 400, but, can also be used with other models of Raspberry Pi, using the jumper wires and GPIO template included in the kit.

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Eigenschaften ansehenplus
Eigenschaften "Air Quallity Kit for Raspberrry PI"
niveau: cycle 2, Sec. II & tertiaire, Secondaire II
DataLogger Interfaces : Raspberry Pi
Fachbereich: Biologie, Informatik - ICT
matière: biologie, informatique
Hersteller Monk Makes Ltd.
Founded in 2013, Monk Makes Ltd designs and manufacturers a wide range of electronics kits
Herstellerinformation "Monk Makes Ltd."
Monk Makes Ltd.

Founded in 2013, Monk Makes Ltd designs and manufacturers a wide range of electronics kits and circuit boards from its base in the North West of England.

Nearly all of our products are manufactured or assembled in the UK using our PCB assembly facility and our local workforce.

As well as supporting educators, our products are also popular with electronics makers and enthusiasts.

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