Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry

Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry
CHF 94,53 *
Contenu : 1 Pièce

Prix dont TVA plus frais de port

Prêt à expédier immédiatement, délai de livraison env. 1-3 jours ouvrés

Physisch / Elektronisch:

  • CHEM-I
  • Vernier Science Education
  • CHEM-I
  • 2
The Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry lab book contains 25 inquiry-based
Informations sur le produit "Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry"

The Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry lab book contains 25 inquiry-based chemistry investigations. The book is authored by two long-time chemistry teachers, Donald L. Volz and Ray Smola, who have enjoyed using the inquiry method in their own instruction.

Each experiment includes a preliminary activity, teacher information, sample researchable questions, and sample data for those researchable questions. If you are new to inquiry-based instruction, the extensive Instructor Sections that are included with each investigation will help guide you through the inquiry-based style of chemistry instruction.

Included with Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry

 Electronic Version

  • 25 inquiry-based, chemistry investigations
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Essential teacher information for successful inquiry investigations
  • Suggested researchable questions, sample data, and graphs
  • A generous site license—buy one book and duplicate the labs for your class
  • Word-processing files of the student experiments, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences

Printed Lab Book

When you buy the printed lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the electronic version, plus a printed copy of the book.

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Plus d'information "Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry"

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1 Physical Properties of Water Go Direct® Temperature Probe
2 Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations Go Direct® Temperature Probe
3 An Investigation of Urea-Containing Cold Packs Go Direct® Temperature Probe
4 Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
5 Identifying a Pure Substance Go Direct® Temperature Probe
6 Investigating the Energy Content of Foods Go Direct® Temperature Probe
7 Investigating the Energy Content of Fuels Go Direct® Temperature Probe
8 Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions Go Direct® Temperature Probe (2)
9 Enthalpy Changes Go Direct® Temperature Probe
10 Reaction Stoichiometry Go Direct® Temperature Probe
11 Beer's Law Investigations Go Direct® Colorimeter
12 Colligative Properties of Solutions Go Direct® Temperature Probe
13 Long Term Water Monitoring Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
14 Vapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization Investigations Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
15 Acid-Base Properties of Household Products Go Direct® pH Sensor
16 The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aqueous Systems Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
17 Acid-Base Titrations Go Direct® pH Sensor
18 Conductimetric Titrations Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
19 Oxidation-Reduction Titrations Go Direct® ORP Sensor
20 Investigating Voltaic Cells Go Direct® Voltage Probe
21 Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations Revisited Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® pH Sensor
22 Reaction Rates Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
23 Enzyme Activity Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
24 Sugar Fermentation by Yeast Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
25 Nuclear Radiation Go Direct® Radiation Monitor
Eigenschaften ansehenplus
Eigenschaften "Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry"
niveau: cycle 2, Sec. II & tertiaire
matière: chimie, Vernier
langue: anglais
Hersteller Vernier Science Education
Vernier Software & Technology, qui fête son 35ème anniversaire en 2016, a toujours été à
Herstellerinformation "Vernier Science Education"
Vernier Science Education

Vernier Software & Technology, qui fête son 35ème anniversaire en 2016, a toujours été à la pointe de l'innovation dans les technologies de mesures pour l'enseignement des sciences. Centré sur les domaines des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques (en anglais, "STEM", pour "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics"), Vernier se consacre au développement de moyens créatifs pour enseigner, et apprendre, les sciences et les maths en réalisant des travaux pratiques. 

Vernier crée des interfaces, des capteurs et des logiciels de représentation graphique et d'analyse, abordables et faciles à utiliser. 

Distribués dans plus de 140 pays tout autour de la planète, les produits Vernier sont utilisés de l'école élémentaire jusqu’à l'enseignement supérieur par les enseignants et les élèves.

Les solutions proposées par Vernier améliorent l'apprentissage des "STEM", facilitent la compréhension et développent la réflexion et l'esprit critique des élèves.


Vernier a ancré sa culture d'entreprise sur des pratiques et des règles respectueuses de l'environnement. La société offre un environnement et des conditions de travail agréables et compatibles avec la vie de famille.

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