BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle

BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle
CHF 25,97 *

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

Consegna immediata pronta, tempi di consegna ca. 1-3 giorni lavorativi

  • BLED112
  • Bluegiga
  • BLED112
  • 2
The BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle integrates all Bluetooth Smart features. altro
Informazione prodotto "BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle"

The BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle integrates all Bluetooth Smart features.

Link correlati a "BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle"
Eigenschaften ansehen altro
Eigenschaften "BLED112 Bluetooth Smart Dongle"
Sistema operativo: Win
Hersteller Bluegiga
Bluegiga's mission is to design and deliver easy-to-use, wireless connectivity solutions for... altro
Herstellerinformation "Bluegiga"

Bluegiga's mission is to design and deliver easy-to-use, wireless connectivity solutions for OEMs, device manufacturers and system integrators. We supply a wide range of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules in order to serve industry leaders and start-ups in all sectors: beacons, consumer electronics, health and wellness, automotive aftermarket, sports and fitness, M2M and industrial. Bluegiga understands that certified, high performance radios are key to your application's success, and our passion is building trusted relationships with our customers that span the entire product life cycle. To learn more about Bluegiga products go to

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