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Das Barometer kann sowohl für Wetterstudien als auch für Experimente mit Drücken nahe dem Luftdruck verwendet werden. Bereich: 25,0 bis 31,5 in Hg 0,80 bis 1,05 atm 81 bis 106 kPa 600 bis 800 mm Hg Auflösung: 12-bit (LabQuest, LabQuest...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 140,24 *
Motion Detector
Motion Detector
The Motion Detector is used to measure position, velocity, and acceleration of moving objects. It uses ultrasound to measure the position of carts, balls, people, and other objects. Measure objects as close as 15 cm and as far away as 6...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 175,00 *
Blutdruck Sensor
Blutdruck Sensor
Der Blutdrucksensor ist ein nichtinvasiver Sensor zur Blutdruckmessung am Menschen. -Misst systolischen und diastolischen Druck mit Hilfe des oszillometrischen Verfahrens. -Mitgeliefert wird eine verstellbare Standardmanschette für...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 215,00 *
Soil Moisture Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
The Soil Moisture Sensor is used to measure the volumetric water content of soil. This makes it ideal for performing experiments in courses such as soil science, agricultural science, environmental science, horticulture, botany, and...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 265,00 *
Exercise Heart Rate Monitor
Exercise Heart Rate Monitor
The Exercise Heart Rate Monitor is an excellent hands-free option for continuously monitoring heart rate before, during, and after exercise or while a person is stationary. The design of the Exercise Heart Rate Monitor is an excellent...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 193,64 *
CO2 Gas Sensor
CO2 Gas Sensor
With this sensor, you can easily monitor changes in CO 2 levels occurring in respiration of organisms ranging from peas to humans. A 250 mL respiration chamber with probe attachment is included for running controlled experiments with...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 555,00 *
Rotary Motion Sensor
Rotary Motion Sensor
The Vernier Rotary Motion Sensor is a bidirectional angle sensor designed to measure rotational or linear position, velocity and acceleration. The Rotary Motion Sensor lets you monitor angular motion precisely and easily. It is direction...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 362,00 *
EKG Sensor
EKG Sensor
The EKG Sensor measures electrical signals produced during muscle contractions, and can be used to make standard 3-lead EKG tracings or surface EMG recordings. The EKG Sensor measures cardiac electrical potential waveforms (voltages...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 338,00 *
Flow Rate Sensor
Flow Rate Sensor
Il sensore di portata misura la velocità dell'acqua nello studio della portata, del flusso e del trasporto di sedimenti di un torrente o di un fiume. Il sensore di portata può essere utilizzato per studi ambientali o di scienze della...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 265,00 *
Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
The Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor is ideal for continuously monitoring heart rate before, during, and after exercise or while a person is stationary. The design of the Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor makes it easy to monitor heart rate...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 235,82 *
Hand Dynamometer
Hand Dynamometer
Our strain-gauge based isometric Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure grip strength, pinch strength, and to perform muscle fatigue studies. Use the hand dynamometer with other sensors (e.g., EKG Sensor) to study muscular health and...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 235,00 *
Force Plate
Force Plate
Designed to collect data on forces developed during stepping, jumping, and other human-scale actions. Designed for much higher forces than the Dual-Range Force Sensor, the Force Plate can measure the forces developed during stepping,...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 656,00 *
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