Make: Getting Started with littleBits

Make: Getting Started with littleBits
CHF 22,69 *
Contenuto: 1 Pezzo

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  • BK-161
  • littleBits education
  • 978-1-4571-8670-7
  • 9781457186707
  • 0,256 kg
  • 2
Combine littleBits, simple, snap-together, magnetic bricks, to make simple electronic circuits,... altro
Informazione prodotto "Make: Getting Started with littleBits"

Combine littleBits, simple, snap-together, magnetic bricks, to make simple electronic circuits, or build robots and devices that combine sensors, microcontrollers, and cloud connectivity.

Make: Getting Started with littleBits, co-authored by littleBits founder Ayah Bdeir, along with top-selling author Matt Richardson (Getting Started with Raspberry Pi), teaches you just enough electronics to start making things with littleBits, taking you through connecting littleBits to the cloud and programming with its Arduino-compatible module.

  • Preface
  • Modular Electronics
  • Every Interaction is a Ready-to-Use Brick
  • Conventions Used in This Book
  • Using Code Examples
  • Safari® Books Online
  • How to Contact Us
  • 1. littleBits Basics: Inputs and Outputs
  • The Bits
  • Power (Blue)
  • Output (Green)
  • Input (Pink)
  • Wire (Orange)
  • Other Accessories
  • Project: Night Airplane
  • Project: Coffee Table Ground Effect Lighting
  • A Quick Overview of littleBits Resources
  • 2. Control and Logic
  • Inverter
  • Pulse
  • Project: Flashing Sign
  • Latch
  • Timeout
  • Project: Midnight Snack Light
  • Threshold
  • Logic Bits
  • Double AND
  • Double OR
  • NAND
  • NOR
  • XOR
  • Going Further
  • 3. Music and Motion
  • Synth Kit
  • Oscillator
  • Random
  • Keyboard
  • Micro Sequencer
  • Sequencer
  • Mix
  • Envelope
  • Filter
  • Delay
  • Project: Synthesizer With the Works
  • MP3 Player
  • New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
  • Making Motion
  • Vibration Motor
  • DC Motor
  • Servo
  • Project: RC Car
  • 4. Wireless and Cloud Communication
  • Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
  • Project Tutorial: Remote Control Facetime Car
  • Remote Trigger
  • IR Transmitter and AC Switch
  • cloudBit
  • Getting Set Up
  • Cloud Control
  • Project: The Game is On!
  • Project: Thinking Of You
  • Going Further with the cloudBit
  • 5. Programming with the Arduino Bit
  • What Is Arduino?
  • Getting Set Up
  • Arduino Sketch Basics
  • pinMode
  • digitalWrite
  • delay
  • Arduino Inputs and Outputs
  • digitalRead
  • analogWrite
  • analogRead
  • Keyboard and Mouse Control
  • Variable Scope
  • Mouse Functions
  • Project: HelloRun Game Controller
  • Keyboard Emulation
  • while
  • Using the Arduino Bit with Scratch
  • 6. Making Your Own Bits
  • Proto Module
  • Creating an Output
  • Creating an Input
  • Perf Module
  • Input and Output
  • What Can You Make?
  • Index
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Eigenschaften ansehen altro
Eigenschaften "Make: Getting Started with littleBits"
livello: Scuola elementare, Scuola media
materia: informatica, Media e informatica, Robotica
lingua: inglese
Hersteller littleBits education
littleBits is the New York-based hardware startup that is on a mission to Democratize Hardware... altro
Herstellerinformation "littleBits education"
littleBits education

littleBits is the New York-based hardware startup that is on a mission to Democratize Hardware by empowering everyone to Create Inventions, large and small, with a platform of easy-to-use Electronic Building Blocks. The company’s innovative building blocks snap together with magnets to allow anyone to build, invent, and prototype with electronics independent of age, gender and technical background – no soldering, wiring, or programming required. littleBits breaks down powerful technology – from music with the littleBits Synth Kit, to the Internet of Things with the Smart Home Kit – and makes the technology accessible and easy to understand. The company was founded in 2011 by MIT graduate, TED Senior Fellow and cofounder of the Open Hardware Summit, Ayah Bdeir, and has grown to be a global leader in hardware.

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