Tiny AVR Programmer

CHF 20,26 *

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

Tempi di consegna 14 Giorni lavorativi

  • SPRK-PGM-11801
  • Spark Fun Electronics
  • PGM-11801
  • 2
The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can program... altro
Informazione prodotto "Tiny AVR Programmer"

The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can program them in Arduino? That's right, now you can shrink your Arduino projects down to "tiny size" by moving your code straight over to these small but capable ICs. The standard method for programming the ATtiny ICs involves a breadboard, lots of jumper wires and a hardware programmer, but David Mellis over at MIT Media Lab has simplified the process by laying out this handy USB programmer.

The Tiny AVR Programmer plugs directly into your USB port and provides a programming socket for the ATTiny45 and 85. Just slot an ATtiny with a DIP footprint into the socket, plug the programmer into your USB port and start up the Arduino IDE. After installing the proper board definitions, you simply program it the same way you would any other Arduino board. The programmer even breaks out the IC pins to female headers so you can easily prototype around the ATtiny without pulling and plugging it over and over. There are two ISP headers that have also been broken out so you can use the programmer or solder in a 6-pin header for other AVR microcontrollers!

Note: You'll need to install the USBTinyISP drivers if you don't have them yet, you can find them in the documents tab!

Link correlati a "Tiny AVR Programmer"
Video "Tiny AVR Programmer"

information additionnelle "Tiny AVR Programmer"


  • A BBC micro:bit.
  • USB Cable.

If using the breakout pads at the back of the board, you will also need:

  • Soldering Iron.
  • Solder.
  • Wire Cutters.
Eigenschaften ansehen altro
Eigenschaften "Tiny AVR Programmer"
livello: Scuola media, Scuole medie superiori e professionali
DataLogger Interfacce : Arduino
materia: informatica, Media e informatica, Robotica
Hersteller Spark Fun Electronics
SparkFun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics... altro
Herstellerinformation "Spark Fun Electronics"
Spark Fun Electronics

SparkFun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics projects possible. Whether it's a robot that can cook your breakfast or a GPS cat tracking device, our products and resources are designed to make the world of electronics more accessible.

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