Altay Communicating Vessels

Altay Communicating Vessels
Questo prodotto non è attualmente disponibile.
CHF 21,19 *
Contenuto: 1 Pezzo

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

disponibile dal 02 dicembre -1

  • ALT-4180.60
  • Altay Scientific
  • 4180.60
  • 2
An interesting experiment with connecting vessels.The apparatus is an ideal experiment platform... altro
Informazione prodotto "Altay Communicating Vessels"

An interesting experiment with connecting vessels.The apparatus is an ideal experiment platform to study the principles of connecting fluid vessels. It consists of a set of 4 intercommunicating glass tubes of different diameters and shapes. This is an ideal demonstration tool for the observation of fluid dynamics.

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Eigenschaften "Altay Communicating Vessels"
livello: Scuola media, Scuole medie superiori e professionali
materia: fisica
Hersteller Altay Scientific
Started as a family business more than 60 years ago, Altay has grown into a 21st century,... altro
Herstellerinformation "Altay Scientific"
Altay Scientific

Started as a family business more than 60 years ago, Altay has grown into a 21st century, international company with operations on 5 continents employing more than 500 people. But, family traditions and values are still the basis of our work. We are ready to meet today’s market demands with the passion and dedication of the past, together with the technology and tools of tomorrow.

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