Air Quallity Kit for micro:bit

CHF 46,75 *
Contenuto: 1 Pezzo

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

Consegna immediata pronta, tempi di consegna ca. 1-3 giorni lavorativi

  • MM-AQ
  • Monk Makes Ltd.
  • SKU00086
  • 2
The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for micro:bit is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor.... altro
Informazione prodotto "Air Quallity Kit for micro:bit"

The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for micro:bit is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor. This add-on for the BBC micro:bit measures the quality of the air in a room - how stale the air is. The outputs of the Air Quality Sensor board are analog: one for temperature and one for eCO2 (estimated carbon dioxide). These outputs can be read by a micro:bit and either displayed, for instance, as an air quality meter or logged over a period of time for all sorts of interesting experiments.

As well as the Air Quality Sensor itself, the kit also includes a set of alligator clip leads to connect it to the micro:bit and also a Speaker for micro:bit that can be connected to provide a warning of low air quality. A full color 24 page booklet of instructions is also included.

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Eigenschaften "Air Quallity Kit for micro:bit"
DataLogger Interfacce : BBC Micro:Bit
Fachbereich: Biologie, fächerübergreifend, Informatik - ICT, Medien & Informatik - M&I, Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft - NMG
materia: biologia, Media e informatica, Studio dell'ambiente
Hersteller Monk Makes Ltd.
Founded in 2013, Monk Makes Ltd designs and manufacturers a wide range of electronics kits and... altro
Herstellerinformation "Monk Makes Ltd."
Monk Makes Ltd.

Founded in 2013, Monk Makes Ltd designs and manufacturers a wide range of electronics kits and circuit boards from its base in the North West of England.

Nearly all of our products are manufactured or assembled in the UK using our PCB assembly facility and our local workforce.

As well as supporting educators, our products are also popular with electronics makers and enthusiasts.

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