Makeblock-Track With Track Axle(40-Pack)

CHF 14,55 *

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

Consegna immediata pronta, tempi di consegna ca. 1-3 giorni lavorativi

  • MB-87050
  • MakeBlock
  • 87050200408000079
  • 6928819503625
  • 0,2 kg
  • 2
The Track Axle can be freely spliced into the desired length, used in conjunction with the... altro
Informazione prodotto "Makeblock-Track With Track Axle(40-Pack)"

The Track Axle can be freely spliced into the desired length, used in conjunction with the timing pulley to form a tank wheel. Able to load, in the difficult road walking freely.


  • Made of silicon.
  • Can be spliced into any length.
  • Track Axle included.
Link correlati a "Makeblock-Track With Track Axle(40-Pack)"
Hersteller MakeBlock
mBot is an all-in-one solution to enjoy the hands-on experience of programming, electronics,... altro
Herstellerinformation "MakeBlock"

mBot is an all-in-one solution to enjoy the hands-on experience of programming, electronics, and robotics. Working with mBlock inspired by Scratch 2.0, connecting with computers or smart devices via Bluetooth or 2.4G (by different version), this easy-to-assemble mBot provides infinite possibilities for you to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

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