Prodotti da Vernier Science Education

Vernier Science Education

Vernier Software & Technology ist ein führender Entwickler von Messgeräten im mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Die Firma feiert in diesem Jahr (2016) ihr 35-jähriges Bestehen und ist unterdessen in über 140 Ländern vertreten. Vernier bietet technische Lösungen in den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (MINT) an. Die Firma hat sich der Entwicklung innovativer Geräte verschrieben, die einfach in der Handhabung sind und die Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlicher, mathematischer Fächer auf kreative Weise unterstützen. Die entwickelten Geräte, wie Datenlogger, Sensoren und Software zur Analyse und Darstellung von Messdaten, sind erschwinglich und einfach zu bedienen. Die Produkte werden von Lehrpersonen auf allen Schulstufen eingesetzt, von Primarschulen bis in die Universitäten. Die Lösungsansätze von Vernier begleiten den Unterricht von MINT-Fächern, indem sie das Verständnis von Schülerinnen und Schülern in diesen Bereichen fördern und zu eigenständigem Denken anregen. Die Unternehmenskultur von Vernier orientiert sich an nachhaltigen und umweltfreundlichen Standards, und ist bemüht ihren Mitarbeitenden ein familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. 

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Sensore di accelerazione Go Direct®
Sensore di accelerazione Go Direct®
Raccogli i dati di accelerazione, rotazione e altitudine in classe o sul campo. Go Direct Acceleration si collega al dispositivo in modalità wireless tramite Bluetooth® o cablato via USB. Questo sensore di accelerazione a 3 assi ha due...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 212,00 *
Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
Description Designed to be used as you would use a thermometer for experiments such as the recrystallization of benzoic acid, simple and fractional distillations, determination of boiling points, the synthesis and analysis of aspirin and...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 263,74 *
Grommets for CO2 Gas Sensor
Grommets for CO2 Gas Sensor
This package of 10 grommets fit Vernier CO2 Gas Sensors and O2 Gas Sensors, allowing them to be inserted into a closed system such as the Vernier BioChambers. Use them as replacement grommets for BioChambers or to create your own sample...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 12,36 *
Advanced Biology with Vernier (EN)
Advanced Biology with Vernier (EN)
Advanced Biology with Vernier contains 17 ready-to-use experiments appropriate for advanced high school and college biology courses. Use it in addition to Biology with Vernier (BWC-LP) for a comprehensive set of topics. For inquiry-based...
Contenuto 1 Licenza Software
Da CHF 68,00 *
O2 Gas Sensor
Il sensore Go Direct O2 Gas Sensor misura la concentrazione di ossigeno gassoso e la temperatura dell'aria. Questo sensore ha un ampio campo di misura, ideale per lo studio della respirazione umana e cellulare. Una bottiglia di Nalgene...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 395,00 *
Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
Description Monitor changes in carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity easily with the Go Direct CO2 Gas Sensor. This sensor includes built-in temperature compensation and humidity protection. A 250 mL Nalgene bottle is...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 412,00 *
Go Direct® Sensor Cart
Go Direct® Sensor Cart
Il carrello porta-sensori Go Direct è dotato di sensori wireless integrati per esperimenti di dinamica e cinematica monodimensionale. Si collega direttamente alla piattaforma in modalità wireless tramite la tecnologia wireless...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 385,00 *
Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct®...
This completely wireless system simplifies experiment setup and allows basic experiments to be conducted with or without the track. Description The Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct Sensor Cart includes essential laboratory...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Da CHF 1.135,00 *
Go Direct® Sensor Cart Accessory Kit
Go Direct® Sensor Cart Accessory Kit
The Go Direct Sensor Cart Accessory Kit includes springs, magnets, masses, and replacement parts for the Go Direct Sensor Cart . The kit makes multiple-collision experiments possible, supporting impulse and momentum/energy conservation...
Contenuto 1 Pacco
CHF 116,00 *
Go Direct® Energy Sensor
Go Direct® Energy Sensor
Description Simpler to use than a multimeter, the Go Direct Energy Sensor measures the voltage and current oputput of a renewable energy system. Connect a source, such as a small wind turbine or solar panel, and our free Graphical...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 181,59 *
Go Direct® Glass-Body pH Sensor
Go Direct® Glass-Body pH Sensor
Description This high-quality glass body pH sensor can be used in non-aqueous solutions and solutions that contain organic solvents, strong acids, or strong bases. The electrode features a sealed, gel-filled Ag-AgCl combination reference...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 306,46 *
Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
Go Direct Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe combina la potenza di diversi sensori per misurare l'ossigeno disciolto, la temperatura dell'acqua e la pressione atmosferica. Ideale per esperimenti in corsi di biologia, ecologia e scienze...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 695,00 *
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