Prodotti da Vernier Science Education

Vernier Science Education

Vernier Software & Technology ist ein führender Entwickler von Messgeräten im mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Die Firma feiert in diesem Jahr (2016) ihr 35-jähriges Bestehen und ist unterdessen in über 140 Ländern vertreten. Vernier bietet technische Lösungen in den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (MINT) an. Die Firma hat sich der Entwicklung innovativer Geräte verschrieben, die einfach in der Handhabung sind und die Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlicher, mathematischer Fächer auf kreative Weise unterstützen. Die entwickelten Geräte, wie Datenlogger, Sensoren und Software zur Analyse und Darstellung von Messdaten, sind erschwinglich und einfach zu bedienen. Die Produkte werden von Lehrpersonen auf allen Schulstufen eingesetzt, von Primarschulen bis in die Universitäten. Die Lösungsansätze von Vernier begleiten den Unterricht von MINT-Fächern, indem sie das Verständnis von Schülerinnen und Schülern in diesen Bereichen fördern und zu eigenständigem Denken anregen. Die Unternehmenskultur von Vernier orientiert sich an nachhaltigen und umweltfreundlichen Standards, und ist bemüht ihren Mitarbeitenden ein familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. 

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Light Sensor
Light Sensor
The Light Sensor approximates the human eye in spectral response. Use it for inverse square law experiments or for studying polarizers, reflectivity, or solar energy. Typical Resolution: 0–600 lux: 0.2 lux (low) 0–6,000 lux: 2 lux...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 118,00 *
Low-g Accelerometer
Low-g Accelerometer
Use the Low-g Accelerometer to study one-dimensional acceleration in a wide variety of acceleration experiments and demonstrations. The Low-g Accelerometer is the best choice for most acceleration experiments, including Newton’s second...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 185,95 *
Magnetic Field Sensor
Magnetic Field Sensor
The Magnetic Field Sensor can be used to study the field around permanent magnets, coils, and electrical devices. It features a rotating sensor tip to measure both transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields. This sensor uses a Hall...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 130,00 *
Instrumentation Amplifier
Instrumentation Amplifier
The Instrumentation Amplifier can be used to connect a wide variety of measurement equipment to a Vernier interface and electronically collect, store, and analyze the data. The Instrumentation Amplifier monitors voltages from 20 mV to 1...
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CHF 136,09 *
Use the Microphone to display and study the waveforms of sounds from voices and musical instruments. It also works well for speed of sound experiments. Frequency Range: approximately 100 Hz to 15 kHz User manual
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CHF 100,77 *
O2 Gas Sensor
O2 Gas Sensor
The O2 Gas Sensor can be used to monitor gaseous oxygen levels in a variety of biology and chemistry experiments. The sensor is intended for measuring gaseous, not aqueous, O2 concentration. The O2 Gas Sensor measures oxygen...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 390,00 *
Surface Temperature Sensor
The Surface Temperature Sensor is designed for use in situations in which low thermal mass or flexibility is required, or for a skin temperature measurement. The Surface Temperature Sensor has an exposed thermistor that results in an...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 68,00 *
PAR Sensor
PAR Sensor
The PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) Sensor reports the Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD), which corresponds to micromoles of photons per meter squared per second (μmol m-2 s-1). This is the power of electromagnetic...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 487,22 *
pH Sensor
pH Sensor
Utilizzate il sensore di pH proprio come fareste con un pHmetro tradizionale, con i vantaggi aggiuntivi della raccolta automatica dei dati, della creazione di grafici e dell'analisi dei dati. Le attività tipiche che utilizzano il nostro...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 180,00 *
PH Sensor
Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor
Use the Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor to measure the pH of a solution or semisolid, such as food or soil. The Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor is a highly versatile sensor. Because the glass membrane is flat instead of a bulb, it is more...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 233,74 *
Il Piranometro misura la potenza della radiazione elettromagnetica. È sensibile al vicino infrarosso, al visibile e ai raggi UV, dove si concentra il 90% dell'energia solare. Si esprime in watt per metro quadrato, quindi è ottimo per gli...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 525,00 *
ORP Sensor
ORP Sensor
The Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor measures the ability of a solution to act as an oxidizing or reducing agent. Use the ORP Sensor to measure the oxidizing ability of chlorine in swimming pools or to determine when the...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
CHF 165,18 *
5 Da 38