indi Color Card Kit

CHF 35,50 *
Contenuto: 1 Pezzo

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Consegna immediata pronta, tempi di consegna ca. 1-3 giorni lavorativi

  • Sphero
  • 980-0228
  • 2
30-pack di schede colorate che vengono posizionate sul pavimento per comunicare le istruzioni... altro
Informazione prodotto "indi Color Card Kit"

30-pack di schede colorate che vengono posizionate sul pavimento per comunicare le istruzioni agli indi senza schermi. Con schede colorate aggiuntive, i bambini possono estendere il loro apprendimento e creare labirinti più complessi. Include nastro adesivo per fissare le schede colorate al pavimento.

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Eigenschaften ansehen altro
Eigenschaften "indi Color Card Kit"
livello: Scuola elementare, Scuola elementare
Fachbereich: fächerübergreifend, Medien & Informatik - M&I, Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft - NMG
Entwicklungsorientierter Zugang: Zusammenhänge & Gesetzmässigkeiten
materia: informatica, Media e informatica, Robotica
lingua: inglese
Hersteller Sphero
Sphero began the connected play revolution in 2010 by creating something unlike anything - and... altro
Herstellerinformation "Sphero"

Sphero began the connected play revolution in 2010 by creating something unlike anything - and they never stopped. Sphero fuse robotic and digital technology into immersive entertainment experiences that ignite imagination and defy expectation. Optimized by data and powered by fun, these ever-evolving experiences are changing the way the world thinks about play.

Designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and invention through connected play and coding, SPRK+ is far more than just a robot. Powered by the Sphero Edu app, you can easily learn programming, complete hands-on activities, and share your creations with the community. Navigate a maze. Program a painting. Mimic the solar system. Swim across the water. Have a dance party… The only limit is your imagination.

Sphero Edu and SPRK+ allow you to collaborate with other users around the globe to innovate the world of education and empower anyone to program. Equipped with Bluetooth SMART and a strong scratch-resistant UV coating, SPRK+ takes hands-on learning up a notch. Join the growing community of makers, students, instructors, and parents – all learning on the same social platform. SPRK+ will foster a love of robotics, coding, and STEAM principles… all through play. Learning is evolving. Get on the ball.

Ulteriori prodotti di Sphero
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