TTS Group Ltd.

From humble beginnings in a garage in the Midlands, to supplying over 64 countries across the globe, we have been talking to educators and inventing new reasons for children to love learning for over 30 years.

It was a simple scene back in 1985; a chat with a teacher in a local school. The conversation around the lack of quality D&T resources for the classroom. One industrious evening in a garage later and the first TTS resource was born. The very next day the teacher was given the prototype. "Wow," they said, "this is exactly what I said I needed".

From the conversations, the design realisation, the prototype, the consultation, the manufacture, the delivery, the reaction and most importantly the benefit to children's education, our cycle of development hasn't really changed, even if life in a school has.

With your help we have created thousands of reasons to love learning and each year around 400 new resources are invented. From printed books to programmable floor robots, we keep on inventing because you tell us to, and because everyone loves a "wow".


2023 Learning Collections Catalog download


Robotics 2023 Catalogue


2023 E-Catalogue


From humble beginnings in a garage in the Midlands, to supplying over 64 countries across the globe, we have been talking to educators and inventing new reasons for children to love learning for... leggi di più »
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TTS Group Ltd.

From humble beginnings in a garage in the Midlands, to supplying over 64 countries across the globe, we have been talking to educators and inventing new reasons for children to love learning for over 30 years.

It was a simple scene back in 1985; a chat with a teacher in a local school. The conversation around the lack of quality D&T resources for the classroom. One industrious evening in a garage later and the first TTS resource was born. The very next day the teacher was given the prototype. "Wow," they said, "this is exactly what I said I needed".

From the conversations, the design realisation, the prototype, the consultation, the manufacture, the delivery, the reaction and most importantly the benefit to children's education, our cycle of development hasn't really changed, even if life in a school has.

With your help we have created thousands of reasons to love learning and each year around 400 new resources are invented. From printed books to programmable floor robots, we keep on inventing because you tell us to, and because everyone loves a "wow".


2023 Learning Collections Catalog download


Robotics 2023 Catalogue


2023 E-Catalogue


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