micro: IoT - micro:bit IoT Expansion Board

CHF 60,25 *

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Consegna immediata pronta, tempi di consegna ca. 1-3 giorni lavorativi

  • DF-MBT0012
  • MBT0012
  • 2
With the development of IoT, there are so many mature IoT platforms emerging in both domestic... altro
Informazione prodotto "micro: IoT - micro:bit IoT Expansion Board"

With the development of IoT, there are so many mature IoT platforms emerging in both domestic and overseas market, but most of them are mainly designed for the professional, which could be very hard for the non-experts to get started. Therefore, we specifically developed this micro: IoT, a micro:bit-based IoT expansion board. Use the board together with DFRobot Easy IoT platform, lower the barrier of using IoT. This micro: IoT board is pretty cute and delicate, on which we integrated Wi-Fi, OLED, 2-way motor drive, 6-way IO port, 2-way IIC, 1-way serial port, 1-way buzzer, 3-way RGB, 2-way servo, Li-ion battery holder, charging circuit, emergency power interface, etc. So many resources for you to program! Even without complicated background knowledge, you can build your IoT applications in few steps! We designed the board as a cloud shape to make it more suitable for the theme of IoT. As for power supply, we selected CR123A 3.6V lithium rechargeable battery. This kind of battery features small size, high capacity, and high safety. What’s more, we add short circuit and reverse connection protection for the product to further improve the safety in using Li-ion Battery. It's an easy-to-use and efficient IoT teaching tool, using this product, you can learn lessons related to IoT, such as:

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Eigenschaften "micro: IoT - micro:bit IoT Expansion Board"
livello: Scuole medie superiori e professionali
linguaggio : Java/Jython, MakeCode
DataLogger Interfacce : BBC Micro:Bit
materia: informatica, Media e informatica, Robotica
interfaccia: WIFI
Hersteller DFROBOT
DFRobot was founded in 2008, among the first to embrace open source hardware, After a decade,... altro
Herstellerinformation "DFROBOT"

DFRobot was founded in 2008, among the first to embrace open source hardware, After a decade, DFRobot has expanded from open source hardware to STEM education, AIoT, and other high-tech industries. Our mission is to form a community with easy access to whether hardware, software and ideas that allow makers and younger generation to achieve their goals and realize creative ideas in an effective manner.

STEM Education

Since 2013, DFRobot began to create STEM education kits and comprehensive learning resources including hardware, software, content solutions for students to engage with in the classroom, which allow students to benefit from creation, in identifying their own challenges, solving new problems, motivating themselves to working together, inspiring and sharing with others. We believe making and creating get our younger generation
closer to the future, and one day they will change the world with what they make.

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